250-624-6757 prmsoffice@sd52.bc.ca

Parent Teacher Conferences:

Wednesday February 5 2:10-4:30 ~ Thursday February 6 2:10-3:30 6:30-8:30

Parent Teacher Online Booking Link


NEW Middle School Announcement

SD 52 is thrilled to announce that we will be replacing our Middle School with a new, modern school!

The Province is providing $126.8 million to make sure 600 students will be learning in a seismically safer school by replacing Prince Rupert Middle School.  The new school will include the addition of a neighborhood learning centre.  In keeping with the Province’s CleanBC emissions-reduction goals, the school will be designed with the aim of reducing greenhouse gases by more than 50% to match the LEED Gold Standard.  Mass-timber construction will also be incorporated into portions of the school as part of B.C’s commitment through the Mass Timber Action Plan in construction in public-sector buildings

Here is the media release from the Ministry of Education: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023ECC0065-001374